Top 7 Homemade Beverages You Need to Lose Body Fat

Are you trying to lose extra weight? You could have adopted a working physical exercise program, a healthy diet, and supportive lifestyle, but that pound cannot go away.

Would you love to lose it through the intake of healthy homemade weight loss beverages? If yes, below are the top 7 homemade beverages for weight loss.

  1. Green Tea

How often do you drink green tea? Is it even in your diet? Have you ever considered the health benefits of green tea?

Well, this beverage can improve skin health, eliminate cancerous tissues, and purify the body. Most importantly, green tea contains lots of antioxidants which enhance fitness and weight loss. You can find the best green tea brand in the market here.

Think of this: if you replace your coffee or soda with green tea, you could save up to fifty thousand calories which translate to over fifteen pounds. According to the University of Maryland clinical studies, green tea extracts play a vital role in boosting metabolism and burning of fat.

Green Tea Recipe

  • Pour boiling water into a cup containing a green tea bag.
  • Allow it to cool to a temperature ready for serving.
  • Add raw honey to taste.
  • Drink your cup of green tea early in the morning and just before bedtime.
  1. Banana and Flaxseed Smoothie

Forget what you hear people say when they want to exclude bananas from their diet for fear of increasing weight.

Apart from the delicious taste of a ripe banana due to its potassium deposits, this fruit is useful in reducing fluid retention.

When a banana is mixed with foods that have fat-burning abilities, banana can enhance weight loss. For instance, try out flaxseed or spinach and banana combinations to experience healthy weight loss.

With about four hundred and fifty milligrams of potassium, bananas contain a good source of this mineral which is essential in the elimination of excess body fluid.

Also, bananas are rich in natural sugars including glucose, saccharose, and fructose. These sugars provide the body with the necessary natural energy which makes you fuller for longer. When you feed on a banana stem, you ingest fiber which also ensures that you shed more weight as you feel satiated for longer.

Banana and Flaxseed Smoothie Recipe

  • Prepare one banana and orange, two tablespoons of flaxseed, and two tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • Put these ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend the ingredients until the mix entirely.
  • Serve and drink.

For optimal weight loss results, replace this smoothie with your breakfast each day.

Settle for this delicious smoothie for a fuller stomach, reduced fluid retention, and improved weight loss.

  1. Vegetable Juice

I have been desperate to shed unwanted weight in the past. I did try different techniques, including exercises and starving myself.

The results were unsatisfactory, and I had to push harder and find better and healthier alternatives (at the expense of starving).

Then, one evening, I saw an advert on TV recommending vegetable juice as a viable homemade weight loss remedy, and I opted to try it out.

I had to do a little research on the best vegetables for weight loss, picked my favorites, and blended them to prepare a tasty DIY weight loss juice.

Enough with my stories. Vegetable juice should be taken just before having any regular meal. Vegetable juice does not only provide your body with a host of antioxidants but also reduces your calorie intake.

You can select from your favorite vegetables, spices, and fruit from the following: ginger, carrots, parsley, cucumber, grapes, apples, spinach, kales, celery, beetroot, cabbage, strawberry, tomatoes, Arugula, basil, and garlic.

Green Vegetable Juice Recipe

  • Prepare two peeled oranges, two apples, three celery stalks, a small ginger chunk, a peeled lemon, one cucumber, and a handful of parsley.
  • Blend these ingredients for a green vegetable juice.
  • Drink one glass immediately.
  • Store the remaining juice in a non-plastic container and close it air tight.
  • Drink the second glass the next day.

If you have so badly wanted to lose those stubborn kilos, this juice will make a happy and healthy way of losing weight.

  1. Skim Milk

Research suggests that dairy products rich in calcium are beneficial in improving weight loss. Further, the study recommends a daily intake of 720ml of skim milk for optimal weight loss effects.

Therefore, neglect the common misconception that milk reduces your chances of weight loss. The presence of calcium in milk makes it a compelling beverage for long-term weight loss.

When you drink skim milk beside a moderate exercise and diet system, the calcium you ingest increases your chances of burning body fat.

For this reason, I suggest you drink skim milk to enhance your weight loss diet program.

  1. Fruit Infused Water

Are you surprised that water is among the best weight loss beverages? Well, do not be. What I love about water is its availability as opposed to other inaccessible (or even costly) beverages.

There is a theory suggesting that cold water enhances weight loss as the body must expend calories necessary to digest it.

When you drink enough water, you improve the chances of increased burning of calories. The Birmingham University backs up this assertion saying that water enhances weight loss when taken thirty minutes to mealtimes.

Breaking your addiction to sugary drinks and soda is difficult. However, drinking naturally sweetened water could curb your cravings for soda. Fruit infused water does not only help you relieve stress and treat minor ailments but also promote the burning of fat and improving weight loss.

Therefore, do not quench your thirst with soda. Grab a fruit infuser water bottle for naturally flavored water for increased water intake.

  1. Kiwi and Pineapple Smoothie

For a long time, my family used to tell me I looked just fine with my weight. However, my instincts told me otherwise, and I felt less confident each day.

Thus, I tried different beverage recipes, and I am glad that I discovered the potential hidden in a kiwi and pineapple smoothie.

Pineapple is essential in achieving a flat abdomen and reducing stomach distension.

The presence of bromelain enzyme in the stem of the pineapple combines with lipase to improve the digestion of fats.

The Purdue University also holds that bromelain is useful in the inhibition of appetite while triggering fat excretion. As a catabolic food, pineapple forces the body to burn more calories in digesting it than one ingests when eating it. The resultant calorie deficit results in weight loss.

Kiwi, on the other hand, is rich in fiber but low in sugar. Kiwi is also rich in antioxidants which improve weight loss. Thus, kiwi makes a better combination with pineapple for your weight loss program.

Kiwi and Pineapple Recipe

  • Prepare one and five pieces of kiwi and pineapple respectively.
  • Blend these ingredients without adding any sugar.
  • Add almond milk to taste.
  • Replace this drink with your lunch three times in a week.
  1. Coconut Water

Coconut water will not only minimize the chances of weight gain but will further prevent you from accumulating belly fat. A single coconut water cup has the following weight loss benefits for your body:

  • Building lean muscle
  • Enhancing insulin sensitivity
  • Low-calorie content intake
  • Enhances the metabolic rate
  • Improves body hydration
  • Lowers body cholesterol levels

Coconut Water Recipe

  • Prepare an orange, half a lime, coconut water, and half of the coconut meat.
  • Juice the ingredients.
  • And one fresh vanilla and blend the contents.
  • Drink this juice once each day.

This juice has no particular consumption time. Drink it after a busy day, before or after lunch, in the morning, or after heavy workouts.

Did you find this post insightful? What are your weight loss beverage secrets? We would appreciate your views. Kindly share with us. 

3 thoughts on “Top 7 Homemade Beverages You Need to Lose Body Fat”

  1. I have only tried Green Tea and Vegetable Juice so far, but they brought really good results for me.
    I didn’t know about others. Thanks a lot for sharing them with us. I’ll make sure to try them 🙂

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